Water tanks installed on the outdoor has to be kept clean. It’s not needed to clean every month, but you should always keep an eye on the tank at least once in three months. Another important thing about the storage water tank is high-quality products with premium protection keep the dirt away from the storage area. If you purchase from the Agarwal Water Tank supplier, you’ll get the chance to use the premium model tanks that remains clean for 3 to 6 months. We’re water tank suppliers and manufacturers in India who offer all types of storage tanks with multi-layer protection. In case you’re in a plan to buy a new tank or replace the existing one, call us anytime to book your water tank.

The cleaning period varies from place to place. If you’re already located in a highly polluted area, you should hire cleaning services once every three months. We recommend our buyers clean the rood gutters every 3 or 6 months for health and safety reasons. Bugs and leaf litter might be seen around the inside areas of the storage water tanks, so keep your eye on the mozzie mesh. 3 Layer Water Tank cleaning helps minimize the pump damage, increases the lifespan of the water filters, reduces the damage possibilities in household taps, and more. Our water tanks are durable and long-lasting, so cleaning has made you use our water tanks for decades.

Choose our Agarwal water tank service unit to know more.

At the Agarwal water tank manufacturing unit, we give our buyers the ideas to clean the storage water tanks after purchase. We know how to instruct and teach our buyers about the cleaning process. When you clean the storage tank, drain out the existing water first. Then send some inside the water tank, and ask to clean the walls of the storage tank with the brushes. Try to clean the three-layer water tank walls using caustic soda or soap solutions. 

Once you complete the cleaning process in the walls, you can find some water not drained from the tank. You can’t remove it using the water outlet, so to drain this out, use the cotton cloth. Cotton cloth or rug helps you soak the dirty water quickly. If your storage water tank is age-old and walls are already broken, don’t waste your time cleaning. Get the Best Water Tank 1000 ltr Price from us, and install it to use without any leakage issues in the future.

We have a production unit that manufactures the Overhead Tank in Hyderabad with its anti-bacterial properties. Typically, many people have to buy anti-bacterial spray over the walls. But upon purchasing the storage water tanks from our service unit, you can clean with the simple cotton cloth and leave it as it is. If needed, you can use the mechanical scrubbers for advanced cleaning. Make sure you’re not using any chemicals in your drinking water storage rank at any cost.

If you have already installed a large litre water storage tank in your commercial building, you can’t clean with laborers or use the Do It Yourself method. In such cases, use the UV ray’s treatment to clean the inside area of the storage tank. Upon hiring the cleaning services, you will get a high-power lamp that uses UV rays and beams hung around the tank region and give you the disinfected tank at the end. The light entirely handles this method, and no human intervention is needed here.

Precautions during storage water tank cleaning

  • If you find any tank leakage when cleaning, try to fix it or purchase a new tank. A leakage in a tank for years can develop many health diseases due to the development of algae through it. Get the 4 Layer Water Tank price from us, and replace your old tank.

  • Dirty water coming out from the water tank might flood your roof. To avoid this, try to use any rainwater pipes and drain them off. A de-watering pump also comes in handy in this case.

  • If water is not coming through the pipes after the cleaning process is over, inform the cleaning services unit and immediately fix them. Deposits flowing through the pipes can cause this problem, so you must address and resolve it directly.

  • If a storage water tank is kept uncleaned for many years, check whether it is worthy enough to clean or not. The awful odor starts to mix with the water and causes serious illness. Instead of spending time with the old tanks, hire the best water tank supplier like us, and re-install with a new one.

I hope you got enough information about the water tank and its cleaning practices. If you have already purchased a water tank from us, and finding more information about the cleaning, call us now. We’re ready to help all our valuable customers with a happy face.

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